Monday, March 26, 2012


We all have times when we do not feel well and recognize that we are out of balance. Sometimes we go to the doctor only to be told "There is Nothing Wrong!" What actually occurring is that, this imbalance has not yet become recognizable as a Disease. With Ayurved we can assess the imbalance in health. Arogyam, focuses on health solutions to complete family by providing authentic Ayurvedic treatment based on Pancha Mahabhutas Theory in Ayurved.


According to this theory, our Universe and everything on it, is the product of different combinations of the five basic elements: Earth/Prithvi, Water/jala, Fire/agni, Air/vaayu and Space/akasha. Ayurved uses the characteristics of these five elements (pancha mahabhutas) to identify various objects. Ex "fire" means that the object displays the characteristics of fire, like combustion, heat ,by "water" it means it is moist, cool and sticky or "earth" then it means it is heavy, solid and stable.
Ø  Earth and Water together form Kapha Dosha (anabolic, conserving and stabilizing),
Ø  Fire is Pitta Dosha (metabolism, transformative and balancing) and
Ø  Air and Space attribute to Vaata Dosha (catabolic, activating and dynamic) in our body.   

The pancha mahabhutas theory may sound simplistic and ancient, but it is actually a very sophisticated method of diagnosis and treatment. The elegance of this science lies in the simplicity of the basic concepts, and the powerful analytical tool they provide for internal (body-mind) and external (environmental) assessment. The elements (mahabhutas) have certain qualities, attributes and impacts on the body and mind. All objects and substances are a mixture of the five elements, but they have one dominant element that allows them to be identified and classified.
In our body,
§   Space / akasha is present wherever there is a cavity like in the nostrils, mouth, ears, throat, lungs, and stomach
§   Air /vaayu in movement of the lungs, heart, stomach, intestines and joints, mind.
§   Fire / Agni in all metabolic activity, the eyes, intelligence and body temperature
§   Water / jala in all body fluids like plasma, blood, mucus, and saliva
§   Earth / Prithvi in any solid structure like fat, muscles, skin, nails, hair and bones.

The basic elemental compatibility or similarity between Earth and humans clarifies why substances found in the natural world (plants, herbs, foods) are usually harmonious with the human system. They can be easily absorbed and cause no adverse reactions or side effects (if consumed in appropriate quantities) because they are fundamentally the same in character and composition. This is why foods and herbs are able to heal the human body.


§   Faster acting drug combinations, required to take very little quantity, hence cost effective.
§   Child friendly tasty combination of herbs.
§  Safest for pregnant women, newborns and lactating mothers.
§  Effective in treating a broad spectrum of diseases :
Ø  Cough, cold, fever to asthma, sinusitis, respiratory tract infection
Ø  All types of joint diseases
Ø  menstrual problems and irregularities like Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD)
Ø  Infertility, especially unexplained cases of infertility
Ø  Metabolic disorders like simple indigestion to diabetes, high cholesterol, triglycerides, obesity 
Ø  Child health problems like indigestion, asthma, chronic cough, poor immunity, worms, bedwetting, obesity.
Ø  Planned healthy conception for excellent physical and mental development of child.
Ø  Digestion and feeding problems in newborns, as well as lactating problems in mothers.