PANCHAMAHABHUTAS (Five Gross elements) in the formation of body
Similar to the universe, our BODY is supposed to be composed of five basic elements –

Aakaash Vaayu Agni / Tej Aapa Prithvi
Alike any living creature in this world, our body is nourished & nurtured with the various type of food intake, which also contains these five elements as the basic constituents. The above elements in the body are capable of self digestion and absorbtion of the respective ingredients from food. This is the only quality, which makes these elements unique for carrying out all the metabolic activities resulting in normal growth of body.
Reproduction is an unique function bestowed to the known universe. The basic functional units of these five gross elements are Sperm and Ovum. After fertilization, a compact structure is formed which is termed as foetus. Subsequently, with a continuous process of cell division these five gross elements, soul and mind develop till the 2nd month of pregnancy. These elements then absorb their respective atom sized parts from the food provided by mother in the womb. Thus the foetus starts growing
. Following is the sequence of the five basic element formations during pregnancy :
1. Aether (Aakaash)
To start with the first element Aether (Aakaash), the air space is formed in the uterus with the atom sized Aether elements and the uterus grows in size,resulting in increased volume of the uterus, which is essential for the formation of various organs. As the foetus gets its space to grow it also starts increasing in size. Various grooves begin to form within the foetus viz. intestine, ears, bladder etc. organs starts becoming larger with growing air space.
2. Air (Vaayu)
The second gross element is Air i.e. Vaayu, which starts its motion in these grooves. Atom sized Air element start moving to and fro in the organs.Air element is responsible for the control of various activities within the body.It is characterised by mobitlity,action,speed. Its maximum mobility is experienced in the large intestine. (this a time when the first heart beat starts & experienced). But the excessive action of Air elements may cause decrease in foetal growth and ploughing/dragging of the foetus.
3. Energy (Agni / Tej)
The third gross element Energy is able to control this excessive action of Air elements. Energy elements are hot, sharp, severe in nature. They transfer nutrients from food, absorb, and digest atom sized Energy elements from food thus resulting in further growth and development. Growth is mainly concentrated in the center of the body. It is in the form of AGNI i.e. bile and various digestive enzymes in the body.
All the above three elements have scorching and keen property. Their excessive action may result in shrinkage of the foetus.
The fourth gross element Water has exactly opposite nature. It starts its action and controls the above three. Water elements are wet, liquid and possess a flowing nature. They induce wetness, moistness and flow in foetus. Water element keeps all the vital and sense organs wet, moist maintaining vigour in organs. The excessive wetness may cause liquefaction and instability in foetus.
5. Earth (Prithvi)
The fifth gross element Earth starts working to give the foetus stability, firmness. Earth elements are big, heavy and bulky in nature. They impart weight, bulkyness, big size to foetus. Its action is concentrated in the brain of the foetus. All the other four elements get concentrated in Earth element.
Thus the five gross elements further develop and grow the foetus and play their role throughout the life of the living being.